3.2 The Ebro River Basin
Ebro river basin (Chapters 4, 5, and 6, Section 3) is the biggest catchment of
the Iberian Peninsula flowing west to east, coursing into the Mediterranean (Figure
6). It is more than 85,000 km2 wide and exposed to quite variable
climates due to its size, wherein the west rainfall is heavier and flows are
higher (Barceló et al. 2011). Orography
does also vary. The southern riverbank is relatively low in altitude in
relation to the northern. The latter is mostly located on the Basque-Cantabrian
mountains and the Pyrenees. The eastern river side passes the lower Catalan
coastal mountain ridge.
Figure 6 Subdivisions of the Ebro river
Basin into Ecoregions. Points = exemplary diatom sampling in 2013.
Ebro river basin is conformed by 702 rivers and tributaries that conform this
basin with a combined length of approximately
12,00 km [www.chebro.es]. Natural rivers predominate, with 70 very modified
rivers and two “artificial” ones. There are 102 lakes in the basin. In the
delta region there are 16 transitional water bodies and 3 coastal lakes. The
average flow in the whole basin is of 14,623 hm3/year, albeit with substantial
interannual variations due to climate.
Main River Axis is characterized by a high anthropological input due to the
location of big cities on its catchment. This implies high industrialization, a
potential heavy metal input and priority substance pollution. The population
density varies highly throughout the catchment. Big cities alternate with
agricultural land or even the Monegros desert (Romaní et al. 2011). Population
surpassed three million in 2013.
whole basin has 125 principal reservoirs (Prats et al.), of
capacities over 1 hm3. These water course changes are not regulated
by the WFD. The course of the main axis is also affected by agricultural
irrigation canals. These consume an average of 5085 hm3/year of
water. A total 430 hm3/year is transferred or used for irrigation,
drinking water, energy gain, or industry.
2005 a report on preliminary evaluation of climate change was made for this
basin. An increase of temperature and a reduction of rainfall were foreseen, that
would be added to the already erratic effect of the Mediterranean climate (García Vera et al. 2005). A
significant reduction of water flow down to 5-50% on the volume measured in the
previously studied interval from 1970-2000 were also predicted. This will
reduce water quality even further (Aguilera et al. 2015; Bovolo et al. 2011). Thus, water
quality needs to be improved to counteract this effect. Rivers of the southern
Ebro riverbank are expected to be most strongly affected. The biological study
of this basin has lagged in relation to the formal studies.
studies were made into flora and fauna. Studies involved creating check-lists
and species distribution, based mostly on diatoms and macroinvertebrates, and
to a lesser degree fish and macrophytes (Sabater et al.; Oscoz et al.). Nonetheless,
further, more physiological understanding of the organisms could improve
rivers of the Ebro basin are in two main biogeographical regions, the
Euro-Siberian region, located at the higher mountains, and the Mediterranean
region, mostly at the river axis. In 2007, the Water Framework Directive
established river ecotypes only based on biogeochemical and extrinsic traits
(Annex Table 1), later translated for use in Spanish rivers (Ministerio de Agricultura). A previous
subdivision of the Ebro Basin had been attempted by Munné and Prat in 1999.
They used physical and chemical parameters, cross-referencing them with
macroinvertebrate community structures (Munné and Prat).
new subdivision, including the degree of alteration of the riverbed, was
established in 2016 (BOE 2016). In this
thesis we have not used this new subdivision, since it follows the previous
one, only including a mention when altered.
distribution of the IPS index was calculated for each of the river ecotypes
separately. A calculated Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) was obtained from the
respective reference sites to account for the variability between them (Table 3).
Table 3 Comparative ecological state ranks for each
ecotype’s IPS values established in 2010 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio
Rural y Marino. 2008, ARM/2656/2008). 109 =
mineralized rivers from low Mediterranean mountains, 111 = Mediterranean
siliceous mountain rivers, 112 = Mediterranean calcareous mountain rivers, 115
= Continental and Mediterranean slightly mineralized axes, 116 = Continental
and Mediterranean mineralized axes, 117 = Main axes in Mediterranean
environment, 126 = Rivers of wet calcareous mountains, 127 = High mountain
12.6 – 16.8
12.2 – 16.2
11.9 – 16
11.3 – 15.1
10.6 – 14.2
8.8 – 11.7
12.2 – 16.3
13.1 – 17.3
8.4 – 12.5
8.1 – 12.1
8 – 11.8
7.6 – 11.2
7.1 – 10.5
5.9 – 8.7
8.1 – 12.1
8.8 – 13
4.2 – 8.3
4.1 – 8
3.9 – 7.9
3.8 – 7.5
3.5 – 7
3 – 5.8
4.1 – 8
4.38 – 8.7
| Diatoms at the Ebro Basin
diatom river quality control network of this basin was established in 2002,
trying to comply with the Water Framework Directive (Gomà et al.). Over time,
from control network instauration to 2013, a total of 459 sites have been
sampled at least once. A thorough observation of the diatom flora and
subdivision of the Ebro river basin (2005 – 2006) appeared in the thesis of
Ortiz-Lerín (2012).
inspection of the total flora and fauna of the Ebro river basin was included
into a compendium (Sabater et al.), describing patterns
of diatom distribution. Thus, low diversity communities at headwaters were
defined by Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki and Achnanthidium
pyrenaicum (Hustedt) Kobayasi. The upper Segre, due to its silicate
content, had a quite unique community, with Achnanthidium subatomus (Hustedt)
Lange-Bertalot, Diatoma mesodon (Ehrenberg) Kützing, Encyonema
silesiacum (Bleisch) D. G. Mann, Hannaea arcus (Ehrenberg) R. M.
Patrick, Fragilaria capucina Desmàzieres, Gomphonema pumilum (Grunow)
E. Reichardt & Lange-Bertalot, Meridion circulare (Greville) C.
Agardh and Nitzschia pura Hustedt.
waters at the middle part of the river, were characterized by slower water flow
and high mineral contents, as shown by the preponderance of Amphora
pediculus (Kützing) Grunow ex A. Schmidt and Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg.
Finally, with more pollution, communities were described by Navicula
cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot, Sellaphora atomoides (Grunow) Wetzel
& Van de Vijver, Craticula subminuscula (Manguin) Wetzel &
Ector, and Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow. In oligotrophic sites with
phosphate access, appearance and even mass-formation of Didymosphenia
geminata (Lyngbye) Mart. Schmidt was observed. Description of exemplary sites
we will describe a typical site for each of the river ecotypes established for
the Ebro river basin (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
2008; European Commission 2000, Annex II). We have
selected sites from each river ecotype that was monitored in the morphology
section of chapter 6. Since no site of ecotype 109- mineralized rivers from low
Mediterranean mountains was selected, we have taken a reference site. The
physicochemical description of the sites is listed in AnnexTable 2.
Ecotype 109 – Mineralized rivers
from low Mediterranean mountains (Reference site 1141)
is a tributary to the Aragon river. It can suffer point pollution due to spills
and debris and is modified upstream by two diversion dams for irrigation (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro and Gobierno de
Aragón). Despite
of these caveats, both diatom and macroinvertebrate biomonitoring display high
water quality (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro and Gobierno de
The river at this site has wide catchments without slopes, moderate salinity (⌀ 371, 297 – 493 µS/cm) and
temperature (⌀ 12.8, 0.8 – 24.5 ºC).
Ecotype 111 – Mediterranean
siliceous mountain rivers (Referebce site 1178)
is a stream of 72.4 km in length with a 1.107 km2 wide catchment.
Its total elevation gradient is 1,595 m. 8 annual samples were taken in the
site of Villavelayo. Its population of over 50 citizens is surrounded by
natural and forest land uses. Its water quality has always been good-very good.
Nonetheless, urban spills are found in summers (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro et al. 2007). The main
defining attribute is the soil composition. All sites of this ecotype are on
the Iberian ridge.
water composition was characterized by relatively low conductivity (⌀ 506.8
µS/cm, 272.3 – 658 µS/cm), nitrate and phosphate concentration levels were
erratic, mostly low, with a peak in the years 2008 – 2009. The water
temperature is moderate (⌀ 11.3 ºC, 2.4 – 16.8 ºC). The most crucial
difference is the concentration of Silica (⌀ 6.787 mg/l, 5.9 – 8.53 mg/l) and a tendency to
alkalinity (⌀ pH=8.4,
7.05 – 8.7).
Ecotype 112 – Mediterranean
calcareous mountain rivers (site 0038)
Najerilla river ends in the Guatizalema river, a tributary to the Ebro. The
lower catchment is warm and wide, and its main land use are viticulture and
irrigated land. Its sediment is mostly calcareous and porous. The catchment is
1,107 km2 wide and has an average flow of 13.7 m3/s. It
has two main alterations given by hydroelectric plants that vary its hydrology (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro et al. 2007).
waters are very carbonated, with sulphate peaks due to gypsum in the substrate
(⌀ 81.3 mg/l, 22.2-129
mg/l). Main conductivity ranges mainly between 200 and 400
µS/cm and can go up to 700 µS/cm, with an increase between 2007 and 2013.
Nitrate concentration can reach up to 18 mg/l. Industrial point pollution has
been recorded, and thus the protocol for dangerous substances has been
activated (European Parliament and Council of the European
Union, “Decision N 2455/2001/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 20 November 2001 Establishing the List of Priority Substances in the Field
of Water Policy and Amending Directive 2000/60/EC”; European Parliament and
Council of the European Union, “Directive 2006/11/EC of THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT
AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION of 15 February 2006 on Pollution Caused
by Certain Dangerous Substances Discharged into the Aquatic Environment of the
Ecotype 115 – Continental and
Mediterranean slightly mineralized river axes (site 0101)
is a main tributary of the left catchment side of the Ebro. The transversal
profile is open and less sloped. It has a catchment size of 2,171 km2
upstream, and an optimum ecological flow of 4,520 m3/s. Its quality
is good, even though the conductivity tends to increase, due to flow reduction
(271 – 361 µS/cm).
28 % of the hydrologic regime are modified due to hydroelectric plants.
Nutrient values are below 2 mg/l, no phosphate concentrations were registered,
chemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen were maintained through time (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro et al. 2008).
Ecotype 116 – Continental and
Mediterranean mineralized axes (site 0009)
is a main tributary to the Ebro river on the left side. The slope is reduced
and characterized by gypsum sediments. It has an actual flow of 386 hm3/year,
when it should be 396 hm3/year to maintain ecological function. It
can have point pollution due to small townships (under 2,000 inhabitants),
diffuse pollution because of dryland agriculture, water extraction and
morphological alterations. (Confederación
Hidrográfica del Ebro, Gobierno de Aragón, Junta de Castilla y León, et al.). Conductivity
was relatively high (927 – 1869
µS/cm), as are nutrient concentrations (nitrate <2 mg/l, phosphate 0.09 mg/l,
nitrites and ammonium were also found), and temperature (4.3 – 19.9 ºC) (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro 2015).
Ecotype 117- Main axes in
Mediterranean environments (site 0512)
lower Ebro has a catchment of 3,800 km2 with an average flow of 215
hm3/year. The site located in Xerta is characterized by its high regulation
and depletion. This is due to its use as main water supply for the municipality
of Tarragona, bringing water to at least 453,000 inhabitants (Prats et al.). Its riverbed
consists of vegetation of holm oak groves (Quercus ilex L.) and
scrubland, with some vineyards. This site is located at the main river axis
after polluting urbanizations. Thus, water quality is not more than mediocre – good.
river type has just theoretical reference sites, necessary to establish
reference diatom communities for the European Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR). Due
to being on the main axes of such a populated river, it is highly altered. It
is chemically influenced by industry, by a high input of mercury. It may be
affected by several industrial spills both in Flix – Ascó , located upstream of
the site. A flow volume of 5.4 hm3/s is diverted to a concession to
produce 18,000 kW of electricity (Prats et al.). It has relatively
high conductivity (360 – 1,709
µS/cm), relatively high phosphate concentration (0.05 – 0.51 mg/l) and nitrate
levels (1 – 27.83 mg/l) and high temperature (17.6, 7.9 – 26.7 ºC).
Ecotype 126 – Rivers of wet
calcareous mountains (site 0022)
is a 44 km long Andorran tributary to the Segre sub-basin of the Ebro. It is
characterized by granodiorites and metamorphic sediment formations in a sloped
terrain with meadows and conifers as main coverage, followed by low crops.
Although this site is found at a high altitude, the physico-chemical
composition is defined as bad. A part of the Flow is used for a hydroelectric
power. It is located after a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and thus, the
concentrations of phosphates (0.34 mg/l) are high and dissolved oxygen (6.5 mg/l)
is relatively low. Nitrates were relatively high (1.3 – 12.7 mg/l), ammonium was present
(0.1 – 2.7 mg/l) and
chemical oxygen demand (1.1 – 2 mg/l) and nitrite (0.01 – 0.36 mg/l)are also
present (Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro et al. 2008).
Ecotype 127- High mountain rivers (Reference
site 1448)
Veral River has its headwaters in the Aragonese Pyrenees and has a 47 km long
calcareous catchment. The average river flow is of 1.9 m3/s with a quite
undulating pattern (Balcells). The land
uses are mainly meadows and natural beech (Fagus) woods. The woods reduce
probability of point pollution and reduce runoff. Water quality is thus good to
very good. Nutrient concentrations were merely traces, see AnnexTable 2 (Confederación del Ebro 2015).
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